CK Team
Our Coastal Kids (CK) Team educates & equips children with the Biblical foundation for spiritual formation. We do this by creating customized, age-appropriate environments that are redemptive, as well as fun and inspiring. Team Members believe spiritually shaping a child’s life in the midst of his peers can be the most impacting hour of their week. CK serves families and their children from Infants - 5th grade. Team Members typically volunteer for 1 or 2 weeks per month during the Main Gathering.
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CK Team
First Impressions Team
This group includes Greeters, Ushers and the wonderful Hospitality people who make the coffee and fresh baked creations. They are the frontline servants that are devoted to making everyone feel welcome and experience God's love at work. This team believes a person’s “first impression,” at any of our gatherings, creates a Spirit-filled space in which God begins to minister.
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First Impressions Team
Capture Team
The Coastal Capture Team is a small group of our Coastal Family inspired to skillfully capture ministry moments that are honoring God and inspiring people. We then use these photos/videos to catalog memories of what God has done, as well as, what He is doing. These memories also help us “capture” a vision of what God may be about to do!
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Capture Team
Prayer Team
This ministry provides physical, spiritual and emotional support to those in need within our congregation and our community. The new Coastal Prayer Team is “always praying and not giving up” (Ephesians 6:18), as we unite to give thanks and intercede for our fellowship, our community, and beyond. The Coastal Prayer Team believes prayer is the very DNA of the Church.
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Prayer Team
Security Team
The Coastal Security Team is a group dedicated to keeping our gatherings safe and comfortable. The CST believes a safe & secure environment enables everyone to freely focus on the worship of God and the teaching of His Word.
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Security Team